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Mar 05, 2022
In General Discussions
At its core, digital marketing has a simple goal: get more customers. The whole marketing process can be boiled down to three steps. Step one is to attract and interest people in your products and services. Step two is to turn interested people into customers by making sales. And step three is to to retain existing customers by keeping them happy. If you're lucky, the mythical step four occurs when extremely satisfied customers refer their friends and family (you should do the happy dance if and when this starts to happen because it means you've made it). I make it sound pretty straightforward, but we all know digital marketing isn't as easy as 1-2-3. The good news is digital marketing can be made a littler easier. There's a fast growing segment of the industry focused on marketing automation, and with each new tool it's becoming a more popular choice for businesses of all sizes. To show you how to streamline your campaigns, we created a short video on Growing Leads and Sales With Marketing Automation: 1. Wise Up to What Customers Want Your site's analytics and the feedback you get via comments and social media make up a cornucopia of data and insight that's waiting for you to dig into like Thanksgiving dinner. This abundance of information you have on your customers allows you to profile, qualify and segment the people who show interest in your products and services. Once you know exactly who your customers are, you can create targeted messages and campaigns that will increase your conversion rates across the board. 2. Practice Powerful Email Marketing Marketing automation's use of email isn't your father's email marketing. We're not talking about a single email blast to hundreds of customers because let's be serious, that kind of impersonal outreach doesn't do much good in this day and age. These days, it's all about personalization. And I know what you're thinking: how does automation = personalization? And the simple answer is it allows you to do things that are manually impossible (or at least difficult). For example, when a customer gives you their email address in exchange for a downloaded resource, you can set your marketing automation software to automatically send them an email, perhaps with a link to another resource, or even your main call to action now that the lead is qualified. This is something you just don't have the time to do multiple times a day, so in the end, yes it's "automated" but it's undoubtedly more personal too. 3. Improve Landing Page Personalization Marketing automation helps you tap into the benefits of 1:1 marketing, and it all starts on your landing pages (which are the pages your visitors generally Philippines Photo Editor arrive on). Matching offers, products and information to the interests and digital behavior of incoming visitors is a great way to personalize your marketing, not to mention increase your conversion rates! 4. Be Ready to Further Relationships One of the greatest aspects of marketing automation is you'll still be privy to everything that's going on with your campaigns. In fact, you'll have a bird's-eye-view of the whole shebang, which in our opinion, is the best view you can have. You'll get updates as to how your content is performing, and alerts when people digitally engage with you in any way. What this means is that instead of focusing on what get published when or who you have to email next, you can focus on developing relationships with customers in real time. It seems counter-intuitive, but automatically receiving information about your marketing campaigns allows you to be more personal with your customers. 5. Consider Using Curated Content Writing and sharing your own great content is necessary, but curation is a fantastic way to further immerse yourself in an industry, with the hopes of being viewed as an authority. When you show a willingness and ability to add your opinion to existing content, it proves you know what you're talking about and that you don't operate in a bubble. Curation is also a concrete example to your customers that your main interest is finding answers and solving problems for them, which fosters a trusting, and hopefully long-lasting, relationship.
Mar 05, 2022
In General Discussions
PPC campaigns are often the source of wasted marketing dollars that drip, drip, drip into the abyss, never to be reclaimed. Okay that's a little dramatic, but leaky bucket PPC campaigns are all too prevalent. You can't just set and forget your PPC campaign, regardless of whether you're working with the omnipotent AdWords or experimenting with social PPC. Marketing budgets are precious things and should be handled with extreme care. We certainly don't want you leaking any marketing dollars from your PPC campaigns, which is one of the reasons we created our latest whitepaper: 7 Awesomely Advanced Ways To Get More From Your PPC Campaigns. The whitepaper is as much about mastering the basics of PPC as it is how paid search advertising can integrate and enhance many other aspects of your digital marketing strategy. For example, PPC and SEO actually work in beautiful harmony when implemented correctly, which is something a large section of the Internet would have you believe otherwise. We understand that PPC can be daunting, difficult and just plain overwhelming. There's a steep learning curve, regardless of whether you're learning to do it yourself or even just trying to understand how it can help your business. But just because it's complex doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a shot; the fact that some businesses avoid it is even more of a reason to try it out. Wouldn't you do anything to get an edge on your competitors? Whitepaper: 7 Awesomely Advanced Ways To Get More From Your PPC Campaigns Whitepaper: 7 Awesomely Advanced Photo Editing Services Ways To Get More From Your PPC Campaigns - Image 3 Right, of course you would! So now that we've got you convinced that the most important thing you do today is read up on PPC, get full access to our whitepaper right now! You'll get a general overview of PPC and the its current state and place on the digital marketing landscape as well as 7 actionable ways you cam ramp up your PPC game starting right now. If you still need a nudge in the right direction, here's a quick look at what you'll get out of our 7 Awesomely Advanced Ways To Get More From Your PPC Campaigns whitepaper. What's Inside We'll Catch You Up To Speed: since there's such a big gap between poor PPC campaigns and ones that have the principle components down cold, mastering the basics of paid search advertising is actually the first step to becoming an expert. After reading our whitepaper, you'll have a firm grasp on everything from the importance of ad copy and landing pages all the way down to split testing. You've gotta walk before you run but don't worry, we'll help you lace up those Nikes. We'll Push You to the Next Level: once you've mastered the 'easy' stuff, we'll press on and help you navigate the steep learning curve. Again, even if you aren't going to be running campaigns yourself, it pays to understand the ins and outs of how PPC can boost your bottom line. Things like reaching new audiences and markets anywhere and everywhere they go - and with or without their permission - will push your PPC campaigns to the next level.


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